Endless Graves is a two-week student prototype project, and I am the lead programmer in the team. I completed all the core function based on UE4 and C++.
This is a 3D Dungeon Adventure game where Twitch chat can provide aid or attempt to thwart the player in real time. Use your sword and crossbow to defeat the hordes sent by Twitch chat. Use the commands: (!ranged, !melee, !skel, !drag, and !heal) to directly impact the experience and become an integral part of the play.
Twitch Chat Commands: !ranged - vote for the player to switch to the ranged weapon. When 50% of the votes are for ranged, the player is forced into ranged mode.
!melee - vote for the player to switch to the melee weapon. When 50% of the votes are for melee, the player is forced into melee mode.
!heal - vote for a heal drop. Requires X amount of votes and then goes on cooldown.
!skel - vote to spawn a skeleton. Requires X amount of votes and then goes on cooldown.
!drag - vote to spawn a dragon. Requires X amount of votes and then goes on cooldown.