This week we started a new Third Person Shooting Game project. The game is a fast-paced multiplayer arena first-person shooter. The game focuses on fast-paced and diversified combat modes, fast movements, and intuitive strategies. Players will have simple and direct fun in this game.
The project is based on UE4's multiplayer framework. I'll update our progress here every week.
As the sequence diagram presents, we want to build an online game with a dedicated server. It's a massive challenge for us. We need to handle the matchmaker server, player info server, and, most importantly, the game server.
This project will last about eight months. Our final target is to build a version that supports at least six players to play around two maps with various weapons and pickups.
The network is the most challenging part and fundamental of the project. As the tech leader of my team, my target in the prototype is to build a simple game that implements the whole process of the game. It will including assign team id to players, applying damage to players, killing and re-spawn players, adding score to the team, etc.